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Modules in Python

Modules in Python are Python files containing functions, classes, etc. that can be used by other Python programs. Thus, modules provide a reusable piece of code containing related functions and classes. A module in Python contains code for a single topic such as the random module which is used to generate random numbers and the math module which is used to perform mathematical operations like sqrt, sine, cosine, etc. We can also create our own modules in Python. Let's see how we can use modules in Python.

Types of Modules

There are two types of modules in Python -
  1. Internal Moddules : These modules come pre-downloaded with Python. Hence, we can use them directly using the import keyword. For example - math, random, requests, etc. are internal modules in Python.
  2. External Modules: To use these modules, we need to first download them using pip. pip is a python manager used to install modules in python. For example - opencv, beautifulsoup etc.
    To download external modules, you can run the following command on cmd -
pip install ModuleName

Importing a module

To use a module, we need to import( or load) it in our Python Program. This can be done by using the import keyword.
Syntax -
import ModuleName
For example -

import math
import random

Using a module

import math

# To import a module using a different name is called aliasing.

import random as rm 

# If we want to use only a particular class or function of the module we can write -

from datetime import date       # imports only the date class from the datetime module

# To access a variable, function, or class of the module, we must write prefix it with ModuleName.
# so that the Python Interpreter knows where to find a particular function or a class.




Creating your own Module

A Python Module is as simple as creating a Python Program. Any Python program can become a module and then can be imported into other Python Programs for use.

def hello_message():
    print("hello rapid coders !")

import MyModule

# Accessing the hello_message() function from MyModule

hello rapid coders !