Introduction to Python
Programming Cycle of Python
Varibles and Datatypes in Python
Input and Output in Python
Operators in Python
Precedence of Operators in Python
Typecasting in Python
If Else in Python
Loops in Python
Break, Continue and Pass in Python
Functions in Python
Default Arguments and Keyword Arguments in Python
Strings in python
Lists in Python
Tuple in Python
Dictionary in Python
Sets in Python
List Comprehension in Python
Unpacking Sequences in Python
Higher Order Functions in Python
Lambda Functions in Python
Sieve of Eratosthenes Algorithm in Python
Linear Search in Python
Binary Search in Python
Selection Sort in Python
Bubble Sort in Python
Insertion Sort in Python
Merge Sort in Python
Introduction to Python
Before starting Python we should know why to learn Python when there are thousands of programming
languages. Python is a programming language that is used to develop websites, software, data analysis,
and much more. It is a general-purpose programming language.
Reasons why Python is a fantastic programming language.
- Less development time:- When we use Python to develop any program it takes less time as compared to other programming languages.
- Libraries:- One of the best things in Python is that it has many libraries. We have more than 137,000 libraries to develop our programs.
- Multi purpose programmin language:- Pyhton can be used in following things:
- Web development
- GUI development
- Game development
- GUI development
- Data analysis
- Machine learning
- Web automation and much more
Now we are ready to learn Python, from the next article we will start Python in a rapid way.