
Object Oriented Programming in Python

Tags: object oriented programming python classes objects inheritance encapsulation polymorphism data abstraction
Views: 176

Image Downloader Using HTML, CSS and Javascript

Tags: image downloader unsplash api frontend project html css javascript
Views: 959

Emmet in VS Code

Tags: emmet vs code utility html code efficiency coding productivity html shortcuts code generation emmet tips web development visual studio code coding techniques html workflow coding shortcuts
Views: 173

Heading, Paragraph, and Pre Tags in HTML

Tags: html tags web development html heading paragraph tag pre tag
Views: 146

Iframe in HTML

Tags: html iframe tag web content integration iframe attributes html web development embedded webpages iframe dimensions web content display web integration web design web coding
Views: 305

Sources of data

Tags: sources-of-data data analysis primary-data secondary-data
Views: 190

Classification of data

Tags: classification-of-data data analysis structured-data semi-structured-data unstructured-data
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CSS Battle Cheatsheet

Tags: css battle cheetsheet shapes design
Views: 189

CSS Practice Design 1

Tags: css battle shapes design
Views: 135

Binary Search in Python

Tags: binary search sorting algorithms python programming algorithm implementation iterative approach recursive approach advantages disadvantages
Views: 306

Data Analytics

Tags: data analytics data analytics aktu
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Recursion in Cpp

Tags: C++ recursion
Views: 234

Dictionary in Python

Tags: python datatype dictionary dictionary_methods
Views: 488

Tuple in Python

Tags: python tuple tuple_methods
Views: 325

Introduction to HTML

Tags: html web head_tag body_tag heading_tag paragraph_tag
Views: 391

How to use the Github API

Tags: git github python api
Views: 21709

The image tag, anchor tag and the button tag

Tags: html image_tag anchor_tag button_tag strong_tag sub_tag sup_tag br_tag hr_tag
Views: 365

Ordered and Unordered Lists in HTML

Tags: html ul_tag ol_tag nested_list
Views: 312

The division tag

Tags: html div_tag
Views: 328

HTML Forms

Tags: html form_tag select_tag lable_tag input_tag
Views: 317
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