Introduction to Python Programming Cycle of Python Varibles and Datatypes in Python Input and Output in Python Operators in Python Precedence of Operators in Python Typecasting in Python If Else in Python Loops in Python Break, Continue and Pass in Python Functions in Python Default Arguments and Keyword Arguments in Python Strings in python Lists in Python Tuple in Python Dictionary in Python Sets in Python List Comprehension in Python Unpacking Sequences in Python Higher Order Functions in Python Lambda Functions in Python Sieve of Eratosthenes Algorithm in Python Linear Search in Python Binary Search in Python Selection Sort in Python Bubble Sort in Python Insertion Sort in Python Merge Sort in Python

Higher order functions in Python

In Python, functions are called first-class objects i.e. they can be passed as parameters to other functions or one function can be returned by another function. The functions that use or returns other functions are called Higher-order functions. Consider the following code.

def hello(name):

def func(func2):
    print("Calling hello")
    func2("rapid coders")

print("Calling func")

Calling func1
Calling hello
Hello, rapid coders
Functions can also be assigned to variables. For example -.

def hello():
    print("hello from python")

hello from python
A function can also return another function.

def hello1():
    print("hello from python")

    def hello2():
        print("hello from rapid coders!")
    return hello2()

print("Calling func")      
hello from python
Calling func
hello from rapid coders!